Thursday, July 28, 2011

pain and suffering

It's okay to have pain; it's not okay to suffer
Why I'm writing about pain and suffering??
I'm going to tell you a little story.
For the past years of my life, I've noticed a strange thing about myself: I was depressed most of my life.
Yes, I didn't have optimistic thoughts, I was always feeling sick and that something would not be good…
This feeling kept on hunting me for nearly my whole life.
I'm feeling great now, thank god, and it's not thanks to a drug or a shrink, but it's thanks to this realization I've had:
Pain is okay, suffering is not.
You see, most people in this world are constantly confronted with problems and pains, so, it's normal for us humans to experience pain.
What's not normal is experiencing suffering.
Do you know when does suffering occur?
If you can answer this question, you are certainly a very wise guy.
Suffering occurs when we keep brining pain over and over to our minds.
For example, let's say that a woman rejected you in front of a thousand people and they were all laughing at you!!
Pretty terrible if you ask me.
The bad thing to do is to say to yourself and other people around you something like:
I'm a nice guy!
I don't deserve this treatment.
I will never talk to a woman again
She is a ****
I ******* hate this life
You know what I mean.
If you think deeply about this situation, you are going to notice a similarity.
You are going to notice that you'll be trying to reject the fact that you were rejected and humiliated.
Your no acceptance is the one creating all the troubles for you.
A great guy I've seen speaking in a great seminar likes to call this friction.
You start fighting yourself.
What's the best thing to do then?
Accept it totally, accept the fact that you got humiliated, accept the fact that you felt rejected …
Accept the fact that you felt hurt.
Trust me, if you can read this post and understand it, it would change your life totally.
I've tried this technique (acceptance) and I've been since then very satisfied and full field with my life.
Whenever you feel anxiety or depression, think about what's brining you down and take a piece of paper and write about it, write this for example:
I'm feeling …..
I feel ….
Just write about it and try to accept it in your mind, you will start to feel much better.

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