Saturday, July 23, 2011

get over being dumped by women

How to get over being dumped by a woman
These are eight essential things to do to get over being dumped by a woman. Trust me they work.
How do I know that this acutely will work?

You know the answer to this question, it's because I've tried it on myself.
How many times were you dumped by a woman?
Two, three, ten, twenty, …
I was dumped more than fifty times, yes!
Poor me L
It was all for good reasons and I deserved every one of them; I was too much of a nice boy.
And by the way, I highly recommend that you look at this post too, it's related to divorce and how to get your back at the game very quickly, I think you will like it too: Eight things to do after a divorce.
  • Here is the first thing I did to get over being dumped by a woman: I didn't scream
You know this feeling, I'm sure, you get hit by a ball in the tommy or when you got your finger slammed in the door… you know that the pain is coming!
This is the same thing with being dumped.
The best thing to do is to hold yourself from getting angry and starting to insult everyone and her especially.
It will not be long, just some few days and you will start to reconsider things from other perspectives.
Now, I don't say that experiencing pain is bad, what I'm saying here is that you should not start insulting her when she tells you the goodbye speech, it's the first part of healing, accept things.
  • The second thing to do is accept things.
This one is pretty similar to the last one, only has one difference.
You need to accept things as they are, don't try to analyze things and judge others.
You only need to sit quietly and think about you accepting what's happening to you and breathe in.
In fact, why don't you do it now, stop from reading this post and go sit in a quiet place and start breathing slowly, inhale and exhale slowly, and accept whatever situation you are in, just accept the feelings and the pain, don't resist it.
I've gotten this idea from a fantastic program I recommend everyone to get, it's called The Science of Enlightenment , it's simply amazing and life changing.
  • The third thing to do is to start writing about it.
Yes, take a piece of paper and get what's in your heart in it, don't think about it for a long time, just write what's on your mind, insults, bad words, love words, hater …
Fill in the paper with your emotions and thoughts.
Don't reread them, just take that paper and burn it, watch it burn.
You will feel something very strange, the pain would go a little and you will feel good about yourself.
I've got this technique from a great book I forgot the name, I'll write it later.
  • The fourth thing is to take responsibility.
Let's be clear on this, you may think that women are selfish and unloving …. but for the most part, I can say with assurance that 99% of the times, it's the guy who is responsible for being dumped by a woman.
He either chose the bad woman in the first place or was very needy with her, cheated on her, was over jealous ….
Most of the times, it's the guy who is to blame.
So, what you are going to do now is stop from reading this post and say to yourself: "I am responsible"
Repeat it over and over, sometimes; I like to repeat it loudly while pressing my teeth against each other's.
By the tenth time, you will notice that the pain will start to vanish.
By the way, this technique is better explained in Brian Tracey's audio: the psychology of achievement.
It's a great program that I highly recommend you to get, you can get a used one for about four bucks, I've heard that the new version is much better than the old one, but I personally prefer the old one.
  • The fifth technique is to start using a journal
Don't write whatever you've got in your mind and burn it later.
No, this one, you will keep it with you and you will write in it about your emotions and how do you feel every day.
I've noticed that most of my emotional issues and problems simply disappeared when I write about them in my journal.
So, get yourself a journal and start using it every day, after ten days, you will feel way much better.
  • The sixth technique is don't talk about it
This is one of the easiest ways to get over being dumped.
Whenever you go out and meet other people, don't start telling them about how bad it was and how she mistreated you and was cruel to you…
You should simply hold your negative emotions and never let others use them against you later.
Lou Holtz has a great quote I don't remember exactly, it goes something like this: "eighty percent of people don't care about your problems and twenty percent are glad you had them"
  • The seventh thing to get over it fast is have a laugh about it
Go meet your friends, sit with them and have a good time.
Just chill and forget about life and what's going on with you.
Have a laugh about how you were naïve and how you were madly in love.
If they are true friends, you can even cry in their presence, the trick here is to get it out of your chest in the presence of others.
I know that this will sound so stupid, but the reality is that it will help a lot and true friends will support you and not laugh at you.
  • The eight things to get over being dumped by a woman is learn from it
A great page that has so many beautiful quotes if you are interested in this subject: Mistakes Quotes
And it's true, if you don't learn from your mistakes, how you can evolve?
I've noticed that the more mistakes I've made, the better I learned and the wiser I became.
Meeting women is not an easy journey, you will meet a lot of challenges before you meet the right one, so learn from your mistakes and next time, be the first to dump her, this is the easiest way to get over being dumped by a woman, be in control of your life and be the first to dump her if you feel that she will do it.

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