Friday, November 12, 2010

Question from a reader. How can I make a great first impression?

"HI, I’ve read one of your posts and it left me very skeptical about your material, so I decided to give it a try. It was something about body language and facing a woman. The moment I did what you’ve written, she started reacting differently, in the positive way.My question is:
How can I make a great first impression? "
My answer:
Guys have been sending emails for a long time now, maybe a month or two, I’ve tried to answer as many as I could, but i noticed something very true.
Many of the emails sent were referring to sometimes the same problem. So I had the idea of instead of sending individual answers through email, I can post them on my blog.
And I encourage every one of you to send me any question they have related to seduction, dating and relationships.
Back to the question.
To make a lasting first impression you have to know first what impresses a woman.
In my opinion, there are few things that will render her speechless.
Here are a few:
Be neat, be good looking, no hair in your nose and ears.
Be funny, please don’t tell her jokes, she will hate you for doing it, instead try to make your humor daring.
 Be decisive, don’t ask her where she wants to go, have a place in your mind and take her there. Don’t ever ask a woman where she wants to go.
Be chevaleresque, open doors for her, hold her hand when crossing ...

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