Saturday, November 13, 2010

The killer silence

If you’ve been dating for a while you would know what I’m talking about, if you don’t know, you must be very fortunate.
What I’m referring to is that silence which starts building between you and a woman while in a dating situation.
You are having a nice conversation, everything seems to be going perfect and then, after some few moments, total silence, not a word, she is avoiding eye contact with you and you are looking at the something else or the floor thinking how miserable this date is.
If this is not a killer silence, I don’t know what it is!!!
I’ve all my life feared those weird moments and I could really sense them coming when I was with a woman, especially one I liked.
However, I’ve developed some strategies to deal with it efficiently.
I’m going to give you what has helped me a lot. I’ve learned it from a self-help program, it wasn’t about dating but when I applied it to it, it worked like a charm.
To be truly accurate, it wasn’t a strategy but an observation the author made, and it is:
He who ask the questions has control
Simple, yet very revealing.
How can you then take this and put it to your advantage?
If you sense that the conversation is heading to a killer silence, start asking her questions about things all women love to talk about, solving one of your friend’s relationship mistakes by giving you advice, women love to give advice, talking about famous people and the drama that’s going in their lives…

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