Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is it good to share her interests?

Yes, it does help.
Women are big mouths, don’t get me wrong, not in the negative sense, they like to talk and be listened to.
They are very sociable.
Having said that, I must warn you.
Don’t commit the following mistake:
You see that you both like dogs and she is fascinated by this subject, so you get to talk to her only about it over and over.
It’s sure, she likes the subject, but she will hate you for being so boring.
What should happen is this:
She likes dogs, you do too, but you prefer cats from time to time.
Don’t sound like a broken record, always repeating the same lame stuff.
 Change the subject from time to time, contradict her, in short, be unpredictable to her.
You still love dogs and when it comes to this subject, you two get very along, but you have other interest too beside the stuff that interests her.

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