Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The best cologne.

So, is that truly a good post to read?
If you’ve been reading my posts you will notice a clear tendency in my writings.
I focus enormously on “inner game” stuff.
But lately I’ve been receiving many requests for outer game techniques and advice.
I’m sure the people sending me these requests are right, the outer game is important too, and for that I thank them.
So, back to my best cologne subject.
A lot has been said either in TV, internet or on one on one advice, but in my opinion, most forgot the essential part:
What type of cologne to wear? And more importantly how?
First, you must know one essential thing:
The best cologne a woman may like might not fit to the taste of another woman!
How is that?
Simple, women don’t have same tastes.
For the right type of cologne, it must be one that’s not fruity (in my opinion and based on many women’s opinions). All in all it should fit your skin chemistry.
it has to be one that’s not “aloud”, which means that if you are wearing it ,only those near you are going to smell it (it has also to do with how you put it on, which the obvious advice is not too much, just Behind your ears and on your adam’s apple).
For me, the best ones are (by order of preference):
Sweat by ME (I meant my own smell, women just go crazy for a man who is all natural, I’ve seen it and I’ve been told this many times. For me, just wash my skin three times with unscented soap and voila), but you have to keep in mind that your nutrition count a lot, for example, if you eat lots of meat , you will smell like a garbage man , and most colognes will not have the greatest effect on you. My advice, lots of fruits and vegetables plus green tea.
One Million by Paco Rabanne
Cool Water by Davidoff 
Cool Water by Davidoff

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