Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are these days truly gone?

I was reading something the other day about women power and men.
To give you an idea, it dealt with the notion that things have changed now, we don’t live in those ages where men took the charge and women stayed home raising the kids.
Well, I don’t agree with it. I know some of you will object, but let me explain my point first.
In some ways, that article was true.
I don’t see nowadays many women wanting to stay home, raise the kids and let the men take the entire charge.
What I see are independent, self-fulfilled women.
But is it true that these women don’t want a man taking charge for them when it comes to dating and relationship?
My answer is NO.
It’s the most essential part about being a man in a woman’s eyes.
You see, she may become the most successful woman of her entire generation, but when it comes to men, a woman would always prefer a mature powerful man who can take charge.
Don’t believe me? Go ask a woman this question:
“Can you be with a man who can’t take charge?”
So simple, yet the answer my surprise more than one.
Trust me on this one, no matter what may happen, a woman is wired to respond to a mature challenging man.

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