Wednesday, July 20, 2011

signs a man is attracted

Five signs that a man is attracted to a woman

These are the most reliable signs that a man is attracted to a woman.

No need to make the introduction too long and tell you about the history of attraction and how people mate in different parts of the world, I think you already know this, let's get started.
  • The first sign a man is attracted to a woman is that he will look at her for a prolonged period of time.
This sing never lies.
If a guy keeps looking at a woman for a very long time, this means one thing, he fancies her.
In the animal world, looking at an animal's eyes either means one of these two things:
F**k or fight!
This is the same thing with us human animals.
When a guy has a prolonged eye contact with a woman it means one thing, he wants her and he feels attracted to her.
  • The second sign a guy feels something for a woman is body language rotation.
Don't get scared by these fancy words, relax!
Body language rotation simply means that when a man is attracted to a woman, he will turn his torso unconsciously towards her and this can be spotted very easily.
Here are by the way some great articles about body language, some of them are related to dating.
It's so flagrant and the wonderful thing about this sign is that the best of the best do it without even realizing they are doing it, it's just natural in guys.
I've heard once a dating coach for guys telling his students about this sing and that they should notice what their bodies are doing without their awareness and "correct" it.
  • The third sing is a guy will watch for the competition
Men are beast, yes, really, they are beast!
No matter what their education levels and their statues in society, they will simply behave like beasts when their "pray" is being watched and followed by another predator.
By pray, I mean a hot chick.
This is a fight and defense mechanism that guys have in them.
If you want to see if a man likes a woman, throw in another man and you will see fire in his eyes, sometimes he would stop talking or even pay attention to whatever is going on and focus on the guy near his woman.
This sing can seem pretty difficult to spot: what if no man comes???
Well, for a woman, she won't need another guy to approach her to know about a guy's feelings for her, simply, when an attractive guy is walking or sitting next to her it would easily fire the interested guy and throw him out of his comfort zone.
  • The fourth sing a man is attracted to a woman is he would keep looking for validation from her
Most guys will do this and most women hate it when guys do it.
When a man is attracted he will talk while looking at the woman he likes, he will even say heroic things about him, how he has beaten that little guy in the bathroom, how he won the national championship of sea monkeys wrestling, how he's got a new car with a great mileage…
You get the idea; he will try to impress her.
Approximately 99.9% of guys are going to do this no matter what their social background is.
  • The fifth sign is a man who is attracted to a woman will look down a lot
He will look into her eyes and then look down just a little, then look again.
I've noticed this sign in almost all men, however, super macho men will rarely do it, and instead, when they are interested, they are going to have a prolonged eye contact with a woman.
So, this sign is simply about eye contact:
If the guy is a little shy, he would try to have eye contact a woman and then break it however, if the guy is macho, very self-confident, he will have a prolonged eye contact with the woman he is interested in.

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