Thursday, July 21, 2011

Women not interested in me!

What to do if women are not in interested in you?

Have you ever said this to yourself: "Women are not interested in me!!!", don't worry, I've got the right tips and techniques to help you.

Being undesirable is one of the most terrible things you can think of or say to yourself, yet, it can be an obvious sign that you need to work more on yourself and to know what and how to trigger interest in women.
So to answer the question: "what to do if women are not interested in you?" I'm going to give you proven strategy that will get you from "women are not interested in me" to "I have too many women chasing me and wanting me".
Yes, I'm going to give the real strategy that will get you this result, however, I'll ask one thing of you: apply this strategy.
I've shown this to hundreds of guys, yet most of them are still losers when it comes to women and it's because they have never dared to change anything in themselves.
  • The first thing to do is to have a close look at yourself.
Do you have some major issues and by this I mean that you have a very apparent and very "ugly" deformity, like a scary scarf on the face or you are in a wheel chair?
Being bald, fat, short, tall, hairy, big nose, big ears …. Don't count.
Now, whatever major deformities you have should be fixed with plastic surgery, to become interesting to women you will need some sacrifices.
I'm not going to tell you that it's ok if you have a big thing in your face that's looking repulsive, no it's not ok, you should do something about it if you have it.
Now, after looking closely at yourself and assessing what should be done to improve your outer image, go do it, save some money and go get some help.
This can be applied to oral health too, if you have yellow teeth or even some missing teeth, go get them fixed.
Don't read this passage and become a surgery freak!
I've seen guys in horrible shapes and health get amazing women; however, you need to be clean from the outside.
  • The next step is to do some inner work.
By far this is the single most important reason why so many women won't find a guy interesting.
It will be so obvious to many women that a guy has some internal issues and feels bad about himself and this will make them run away from him.
So, do as I did and it was great for me: go to amazon and get yourself a copy of psych cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, or even better the new psych cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy, then go get yourself the psychology of high self-esteem by Nathanial Brandon and the six pillars of self-esteem by the same author.
Even if you don't you have an issue related to self-image, please get these three books, they will change your life.
By far this is the best thing you can do to get women interested in you.
  • The third step is to get some female help.
Go ask a woman to help you buy new clothes and bring cash or a credit card with you.
Get new attractive clothes to start becoming noticeable to women.
If you don't have female friends around you, simply go to banana republic and get some clothes from it.
These guys have the best designers and stylists out there.
  • The fourth thing to do to get women interested in you is to learn how to talk.
This is a huge issue with most guys, they think like guys!!
Yes, it is an issue in itself, guys will behave as beast or they will do the opposite, they will be very shy and introverted.
I used to be very shy and couldn't even speak to guys.
The things that had helped me the most are:
Reading leil lowndes books, especially How to Talk to Anyone
And starting to meet people.
Do these two things by order, start by reading the books and then look for opportunities to go out.
  • The fifth step is to get yourself a copy of how to win friends and influence people .
If you didn't read it yet, do it.
  • The sixth step to get women interested in you is to not focus on meting women.
A lot of shy guys will put too much pressure on themselves and will try to meet women no matter what the costs are.
This is definitively the wrong thing to do, instead, you should allow yourself sometimes for yourself to grow and to learn to be natural with other people.
Then you should focus on meeting women.
It's best to ignore meeting women for at least six months or better yet a year.
Simply focus of learning and becoming a new version of yourself.
  • The seventh step is to become interested in yourself
Not the thing you think!
What I mean is that you will need to look at yourself and see the things that bring you the most joy in your life and do them.
For example, I like to travel, watch funny shows, eat dark chocolate, water my plants, walk while the sun is caressing my face ….
These are the things that bring me joy, what about you?
Find more about yourself and be selfish, for you to be happy with a woman, you have to be happy with yourself first.
Use a great deal of time and energy using self-help materials and working on yourself, don't focus on women, instead focus on yourself.

When you are done applying these steps, you will become a thousand times much more interesting to women, you will become irresistible.

1 comment:

  1. So how are you going to avoid this fate? It is simple: as you work together together with her, preserving in thoughts that curiosity is all attraction really is, permit sexual innuendos into the conversation.
