Sunday, August 28, 2011

make her addicted to you

Create a deep connection to make her addicted to you
How to create a deep connection with a woman? I hope you know the answer to this one, because if you don't, you are going to stay single.
Women are very complex beings, yet they are so clear when you know how to talk and deal with them.
Here is the deal guys: if you can't understand a woman and create a deep connection with her, she will never feel satisfied or complete with you.
To create a deep connection with a woman, here are the tips I like to use:
I'm in a serious relationship now and I feel very lucky to have found a great woman to be with, and I think that part of feeling this good is the ability to always relate to her and understand her and at the same time my ability to never need her fully or depend on her.
  • And that's the first tip: never depend on a woman, ever.
What are you??
Really, what are you?
You are a "male homo sapiens".
In the old days you were spending your whole life in the wild chasing and killing for survival, and you would never cry for help or injustice.
That's the same as today, if you don't think of yourself as capable or independent, a woman will always feel a void inside of her in what concerns you, she will always have a gut feeling of "not enough" about you.
How do you achieve the status of independence?
By working on it, buy learning and most importantly by wanting to become independent.
Guys, let's not talk about women for a second, in what concerns me, here are two things that got me to get my independence from not just women but from all people: travelling and finding my purpose in life.
Travel as far as possible and if you can find a car, it would be much better than traveling on a plane.
And if you can travel alone it would be much more helpful to you and when you are traveling, don't talk to people much, just admire the sceneries and meditate on everything you have in your life.
It will make you grow so much.
The next one is to find you life's purpose.
This is by far the thing that will get women revolving around you like bees around honey, no woman will know how to explain it but most women are going to feel that mysterious attraction for you if you've got a purpose in life you are working to get realized.
This one, I can't help you with.
you need to take a pen and a notebook and think of the things that make you thick and what make you the most full field in life, then write down a big objective you want for your life, even if you can't achieve it now or in a thousand years, write it, it will mean so much to you and you are going to base your whole life on it.
Just look at your objective every week and you will soon start to add new things to it and fix your overall trajectory.
I'm sure that I sound very "out there" now, but these are the two things that got me the most results as far as women are concerned.
  • The next tip is to always face a woman when she is mad at you
Don't replay back, don't insult, don't scream at her, don't hit her or things, just look her in the eyes and let her blow steam, then simply approach her and tell her "are you done." While looking her in the eyes.
This trick will make a woman feel so confident about you and trust your role as the leader and the man.
  • The third thing you can do to create a deep connection with women is to be playful with them.
When I was just learning how to attract women, I thought that this daring humor is just a point, I thought that seducing a woman will stop when you get into the relationship mode, I was wrong.
I've heard from a very great teacher and wise guy called Stephane Hemon a great saying and it goes like this: "a woman's role is to always check if you are still the man, and a man's role is to always prove to the woman that he's still the man".
This is the reality guys, take it or leave it, why show the woman that you are daring and fun to be with and then fall into monotony and predictability.
You need to always surprise your woman and make her never doubt your leadership capabilities and your decisions, don't scream at her or beat her, just look her in the eyes and reassure her about you, that's what she is looking for.

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