Saturday, August 27, 2011

attracting hot women

Why it's much more difficult to attract average women than attracting hot women?
What? It's much easier to attract hot women than to attract average women!!!!???
And the surprising answer is yes.
Let me tell you a story here, and I'm sure you may have had similar ones happening to you too.
A very dear friend of mine was in a club once, he was hoping to get laid and very soon, he was just learning how to deal with attracting women.
He saw a very average looking girl walking by and he thought to himself "this is the one" and he approached her.
Guess what happened?
He was brutally rejected, she told him in the middle of the club "get away as"wh"le!!"
He was just beginning to learn this and was nearly brought to tears by her reaction.
I felt bad for him but at the same time I wanted him to learn this lesson the hard way so that he put his standards much higher.
Do you know why he got rejected that way?
Because nearly all the guys in that club thought the same way as he did and told themselves something like this :"a hot chick will certainly reject me, I'm going to see this very "average/ugly" girl, she will feel very lucky to have a buy like me approaching her".
In a matter of a night, she grows from a 4 to a 10!!
Do you see where I'm going now?
Don't make girls that are bellow average into real hotties , you will regret it dearly.
Here is the deal: if you want to grow in experiences and you are still new, why not go after the gorgeous girls, if you get blown off by them, you will be the man, and if you succeed you will still be the man.
It's better to be eaten buy a lion than buy a hyena :)
Now, let's talk about my previous assumption that it's much easier to attract a hot one than an average one.
It's the truth, think about it for a minute.
If you have your act together and you feel that you know what you are doing with women, you will literally have no competition.
Because most guys are idiots and would never try to learn the art of attracting woman, they will always think to themselves to put more efforts or more money in order to get girls.
So if you know what you are doing, how to set the tone with a girl, how to approach her, how to talk and how to take things to the next level, you will be unbeatable, you will be the only real man she will see in months and even her whole life.
Don't sell yourself short!

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