Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mantras on attracting women

My mantras on attracting women

For each life experience, there is a suitable mantra. This will apply to women too, here are the most useful and illuminating mantras on attracting women, make your romantic life revolves around them and watch how successful you will become.

  • The first is: do as done to you
This has really changed my way of dealing with women and attracting them.
Have you ever had this happening to you?
You like a woman, you start seducing her and she keeps on pushing you and not wanting you, so you keep seducing her more.
You are not alone; I've done this for most part of my life.
This is the most direct way of being rejected by a woman.
This has changed dramatically when I started applying this mantra to my dating life, if a woman doesn't like me or think of herself as above, I do the same with her.
I ignore her and consider her as non-exciting in my world.
What do you think will happen?
Yes, she comes back leaning and asking for a date.
  • The second mantra is: nice words don't work
Don't compliment women in order to attract and seduce them, it will never work; in fact, it will work against you all the time.
Just try to imagine the last time you or someone you knew said a compliment to a stranger woman, what happened?
Yes, he got nowhere!
If you can't think of anything "special" to say to a woman, say nothing and you will do better than most guys.
So, keep your mouth shut and watch how they will start liking you.
  • The third mantra is: by buying you are losing
This is a very simple one to understand, if you buy a woman a gift in order for her to feel something for you, you will have the opposite effect on her.
Let's say that a woman came to you and told you some compliments and some nice words about you, then she bought you a gift, how would you feel?
Not attracted, definitively.
Even we guys who think about sex five times a minute will not feel attracted to a woman who buys us gifts; now think what a woman would feel.
Women like to be appreciated and valued differently.
  • The fourth mantra is: eye contact is the best technique.
Don't believe all these "experts" out there in internet and magazines that will promise you dozens of techniques and other stuff to attract women.
In most cases, the best seducers will only use one technique: eye contact.
By keeping eye contact with a woman, it tells so much about you, your mental health, your physical health, you confidence level, your character ….
In short, it's a shortcut women use to know if you are good or a waste of time.
Always keep eye contact with women.
  • The fifth mantra to attract women is: keep your mouth shut
Because women like to talk.
Yes, really, women love to talk more than we do, just watch your mother or sister, and if you don't listen to a woman or talk more than she does, she will feel suffocating.
Keep your mouth shut, especially in the first dates, you will be perceived as a great talker and a fantastic listener, most importantly a woman will feel at ease with you and very attracted to you.
  • The sixth mantra is: macho is the way
Don't read any more of these effeminate magazines or watch those lame TV shows, please don't.
They are the number one source of frustrations for guys all over this world when it comes to attracting women.
They are going to recommend to you to be nice, kind, saying nice words, asking her out gently, letting her pick the place…;
All this never works, I've beated my head against this for so many years of my life and I've had only problems.
The reality is that women like guys who are macho, yes, who are taking initiatives all by themselves and who love to be in control.
That's natural; we are after all 99.9% animal.
Women too have this animalistic drive in them to only mate with strong guys who are dominant and are ready to fight others to protect them.
The more you show this side of yourself to women, the more they are going to realize how much they like you and feel comfortable being with you.
The simplest thing to do is to start seeing yourself as an independent guy, you do what you want and you don't take orders from a woman you like, you are driving and she is in the passenger seat, she can recommend a destination, but she can't take the wheal.
  • The seventh mantra to attract women is be uninterested in them
If you get this one, trust me, they will be chasing you all over.
I know, I'm starting to sound so sadistic and "anti-feminist", I assure you I'm not.
I respect women and consider them to be one of the joys of this life and great life companions and friends.

This doesn't mean that you should always be following them and giving them too much importance.
This way, you will be certain that you will make them run away from you.
Instead, be independent and stop asking for approval from them, they will like you more this way.
If you see yourself as seeking approval, lean back and don't say a word until you feel ok again.


  1. Try to look at it this way - feeding this irrational fear only creates unnecessary pressure. I’ve seen a lot of guys get caught in this pattern and end up choking when the moment comes.

  2. The trick to picking up a hot woman is to realize that she is an individual and to treat her as such.
