Sunday, July 17, 2011

dating tips for shy guys

Six essential dating tips for shy guys

Are you a shy guy? If yes, these dating tips are going to make you thousands of times more attractive to girls, you don't need to get rid of your shines, I'm going to show you how to make it a strength that most girls like and admire in guys.
Did you know that shyness has been linked to a hormonal imbalance in the brain?? This guide will help you understand shyness more, even though it's made for parents, it will help you too, I've read it and got a lot of information from it: the shyness guide.
  • So, the first dating tip for shy guys is: train your eyes.
Shyness is very difficult to get rid of especially in the beginning!
I was a shy guy, for twenty years of my life.
I still remember the first time a friend pushed me to go talk to a girl in high Scholl, I nearly had a heart attack, long story short, I got dumped immediately by her.
So, I know what being shy is, when another person talks to you and you start blushing and becoming all stressed and nervous.
It's not an easy feeling, but you will survive and here is what I did personally to get some little courage to start behaving normally with other people and especially girls.
First, some back ground on why this eye training.
Women want guys who are strong and confident, it's not a mystery, a shy guy is nothing attractive for a hot woman, I don't mean here that you should close this page and die alone, no.
Now, you have to notice one thing here: strong and confident is all about appearances.
And women are only interested in confidence and strength in guys for the first minutes of meeting them.
This is why they are so important for you and you have to know how to appear confident at that time.
Now, the solution is in the eyes.
A woman will know easily if a guy is strong and confident or not just by seeing how long he can hold his eye contact with her.
This is why you need to do this training session every morning after you wake up for about fifteen days:
Wash your face and go to the bathroom, now, look at the mirror; you will see your face.
Good, I want you to set up a countdown clock and look at your eyes without breaking eye contact with yourself for about five minutes, yes, you can blink.
Do this for fifteen days or more and you will notice some amazing things happening, you will start to feel more confident and when you talk to people, you will be naturally inclined to look them in the eyes, now this to women means one thing: you are strong and confident.
  • The second dating tip for shy guy is: make your weaknesses your strengths.
The title is pretty self-explanatory.
If you consider something to be a weakness, turn it into strength.
For example, you can't hold hands with her because you are too shy.
This is a weakness, its strength is: you won't hold hands with her because you want her to want you more ( and it's true, women want guys who can hold themselves).
  • The third tip is don't touch
This one is a fantastic advantage to all shy guys.
What does a non-shy guy do when he meets a girl?
He will try to have his hands all over her as soon as possible.
Do you think that this will work at attracting her?
Not the lease, women hate it when guys do it in the first dates.
So, a shy guy has a greater advantage in this, he will appear as not caring and not interested physically in the girl, which will drive her crazy for him and she will be the one to soon start touching him and trying to be alone with him.
You just need to make the mental shift, don't think of it as a weakness, instead, think of it as a personal choice.
  • The fourth tip is about approaching
Yes, the approaching thing, the thing that nearly got me killed the first time.
I won't lie to you, it's pretty difficult to approach a girl when you are shy, it's even impossible for some shy guys.
I, myself still have a gut feeling of fear when I want to approach a woman, even if I'm not interested in dating her.
How do you survive approaching a woman when you are shy?
It's simple, you don't approach!
You will use the oldest trick in the book about meeting girls, you will ask other people to introduce you to them.

You just ask some friends of you or your sister or any relative to hook you with a woman you like.
Don't neglect this trick; more than half of the marriages are happening this way.
If you don't like it, just try it, it's a great way to start meeting women when you are shy and the thing I forget to tell you about that study is that the hormonal imbalance that causes shyness will lessen every time you go against your shyness.
  • The fifth tip is; use the power of silence.
I'm sure that all shy guys have the same thing happening to them: they don't know and thus don't want to talk to girls.
This was my case, I couldn't speak to women for a long time and I thought that I would never survive the first minutes of meeting them.
This issue was resolved by me knowing the power of silence and how to use it with women.
So, instead of talking to women, let them talk to you.
How can this work?
Women love to talk and if you say only these little words every time you talk to one, she will flood you with so much information about her that you can use later at seducing her more.
These words are: ohh, really, tell me more, interesting, no, can you elaborate on this, how do you mean, what, is he crazy, can you believe it ……
Sometimes you will need to paraphrase what she tells you and give it back to her.
This is an amazing trick, by using it I could go on for hours talking to hot women, and the wonderful thing about it is that women will perceive you as elegant, intelligent, well-educated , good talker and attractive.
  • The sixth dating tip for shy guys is to stay away from shy girls.
You may think that a girl in your situation would understand and will be easy to deal with.
But if you think of it seriously, you will know it will never work, it won't even start.
She is silent and so are you, she can't look you in the eyes and so are you …..
The best thing to do when looking for a girl is to avoid the lonely ones that no one is talking to and to date only the sociable girls.
This tip alone will save you so many frustrations.
I hope that these dating tips will help you .

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