Tuesday, June 14, 2011

tips on how to seduce a woman

There are many tips on how to seduce women, they are divided into two categories, the so many that don't work and the few ones that work.
These four very essential tips on how to seduce a woman works amazingly and will never deceive you.
  • The number one tip I use on how to seduce a woman is to be a jerk
Yes, be a jerk.
Jerks are great with seducing women, so be one to seduce the woman you want.
Wait a second here, I'm not advocating you start beating women and becoming abusive and insolent!
I'm talking here about the kind of jerks that women like from love and fulfillment and not from fear and insults.
The first type of jerks is:

1. Insolent
2. Less caring
3. Ignoring women
4. Beating women
5. Being late
6. Talks less
7. Love less
8. Will never give presents
9. Tyrant
10. Sarcastic
11. Leader

Well, you don't need to be this type to seduce a woman, instead you will select the few behaviors that are so attractive to women and adopt them, while throwing away the bad ones, so the list in your case will resemble this:

1. Less caring
2. Ignoring women
3. Being late
4. Talks less
5. love less
6. will never give presents
7. sarcastic
8. leader

This is all the jerk material you will need to master in order to be highly attractive to any woman.
Read this: Click Here! to know how to become the type of "jerk" that's both nice and ATTRACTIVE to women Click Here!
I'm sure that you will feel these last traits still jerkish, but it's the trick, to a woman, you will be just jerk enough.
  • The second tip is to never back down
You've probably heard this proverb: attack is the best defense?
I'm sure you have.
Well, with women, it's the same, whenever you back won from being jerkish with them, they will start feeling repelled by you.
Don't think that you will need to be jerkish for only two days or six months, no my friend, whenever you are with a woman, you will need to be highly leading and very advancing with her.
  • The third tip is to mysterious
Do you know the James Bond series of movies, well I need you to go and rent the whole stuff and watch it.
This is your assignment for mastering this area of your life; here is an amazon link to a very nice package:
James Bond Ultimate Collector's Set

Whenever a woman expects what you are going to say or do, she would resent you automatically.
No need to argue with this, women are programed naturally to find men who are secretive highly interesting.
Why don't you try this very little experiment:
Go ask a girl is she can keep a secret, when she will say yes, change the subject and talk about something else, then leave.
She will think about you and your secret for a very long time and will try to come near you and remind you of the "something you wanted to talk about"….
Women can't resist secrets, and women can't resist feeling attracted to a secretive guy who moves and talks very slowly and has that "something" about him.
  • The fourth tip on how to seduce a woman is to accept thing, totally
Don't argue with this reality: women are different and if you need to seduce a woman, you will need to learn their ways.
Don't start conflicting yourself and arguing with others about what should work and not, try things at least three times to see for yourself, at first, they will never work for you, but then, you will see amazing results.
How to seduce a woman is a waiting game, if you are too impatient, you will lose, still, if you decide to give it your best shots, you are definitely going to win every time so, read this guide Click Here! and see for yourself how you are going to meet, approach, seduce and make any woman fall in love with you.

1 comment:

  1. This mantra is really powerful.It works.If your intentions are right this mantra is really magical...kleem kleem kleem.Thanx to Siva Baba because of whom I got to know this one an year ago..
