Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to meet and connect with women

Find out how to answer the question "how to meet and connect with women?" in this article, you will know what are the best strategies and tactics to meet women and how to connect with them so you will be stuck in their minds for a very long time.
Yes, how to meet and connect women is a long question!
However, it's one of the most important and vital ones to your success with women.
Unfortunately, most posts on the subject will either treat the "meet" part or the "connect" part.
In this post, we are going first to answer the "meet women" part, how to meet them and what are the best places to do so, and then we shall discuss the most important of all subjects, how to connect with women.
How to meet women?
This may be one of the shortest questions to ask on the subject of women and dating but it's one of the most difficult areas to master and very few guys have really figured out a great and reliable way to meet them.
  • The first important thing about meeting women is to know where to find them.
Life isn't a movie!!
Many people I've asked have in mind that they will one day be doing their shopping or going for a walk and bumping into their dream woman and then marring her and having a lot of children and fun on the way!
This is not the case!!!
Meeting women isn't about bumping into them randomly!
I hate to be the one to burst the bubble for you, but to meet women; you will need to apply strategic thinking.
I know I'm being rude to the word "romance" and "love".
The best strategy to meet women is to first find out what's your type of women, then you are going to list all the places that such type would be interested in, then, you go meet her there.
Sound difficult?
Here is an example:
John's type of women is the "healthy" one, she is a woman who likes to take care of her body, she eats a very healthy diet, she does sport regularly, she is also a literary type too, blond, tall with green eyes.
Now, john is going to list the places such woman would be find in: the gym, the bookstore, a health food store, a hair salon (he won't go there, he is just listing the places) ….
John is going to schedule his time table to go meet his dream woman:
  1. Monday: very busy!
  2. Tuesday: I have some time in the afternoon = going to the gym to exercise and have fun and maybe meet a woman there.

When you meet your dream woman, you must know how to approach her and start a conversation with her.
Now, in answering the question: "how to meet and connect with women?" you will need to figure out the "connect" part, this is what we are going to discuss here.
Let's say that you've met her and now, it's time to have some talk and some connection with her.
How will you do it?
Connecting with women has three essential parts:
  •  The first one is having the right body language.
It's a very long subject that you will need to get handled to really understand women and most importantly be understood by them.
Here are some important aspects to take into consideration when connecting with women:
  1. Direct your torso towards her to show "subtle" interest
  2. Close your mouth when you are not talking
  3. Always think of her as someone you don't really feel romantic interest to, you are just there to have fun ( this way,
  4. you won't feel hesitant and worried about the outcome of your conversations and this will in turn show in your body language)
  5. Calm yourself and breath from your nose (if possible), this will show up as very confident and assured.
  6. Eye contact is a must and when you look away, don't do it nervously, look away gracefully and calmly.
  • The second one is mastering the art of communication with women.
Here are some crucial clues to answer the question: How to meet and connect with women? :
  1. Listen three times more than you talk
  2. When she talks to you, paraphrase what she tells you and tell it to her (this will make you appear as a fantastic listener)
  3. Don't interrupt her when she is talking
  4. Use some touching if possible, it's not sexual, just touch her on the shoulder or old her hand when you feel that she feels confident about you.
  5. Talk slowly and use a lot of stops, of course without boring her.
  6. Don't ever advise her unless she asks for it
  7. Don't criticize her, never!
  8. Have the right humor
  9. Use your hands when talking; don't keep them on the table.
  • Now, the third and the most important one to connect with women: creating rapport.
This will be done simply by you matching and even mimicking her body language.
For example, if she scratches her noses wait some two minutes and scratch your noses to ….
This will sound very manipulative and very obvious, I assure you, it's very reassuring and calming for the woman.
She will feel deeply connected to you and will think that you are the perfect match for her.
Before we end up this conversation, I need to tell you that there is one very important technique to meeting women that most guys are not aware of and it the main cause for nearly all the rejections they are going to face.
How to meet and connect with women is all about mastering yourself when you are with them and knowing what to say and most importantly what to do.

1 comment:

  1. Because of this you will need to domesticate and develop traits and traits in attracting ladies that let others know you're a succesful man who can't only care for himself, but can take care of others.
