Thursday, June 23, 2011

Qualities to look for in a woman

These are the qualities to look for in a woman, you are going to notice that most of them aren't really physical.
In fact, to most guys, these qualities are just a waste of time!
These qualities to look for in a woman are for the long run, it's true, you can meet a gorgeous shallow woman who will have all the great physical qualities most guys look for, but in my opinion, I prefer to find a reliable mature woman who is normal looking than finding a gorgeous woman who is dumb and immature.
  • The first quality to look for in a woman is : sense of humor
If you are dating women just for their appearances, then I really feel sorry for you.
Women are one of the wittiest and intelligent people you are ever going to meet.
In fact, one of the most important people in my personal life and the one that makes me the most laugh and feel a man is a woman.
As a man, you have to be mature about your choices of women.
A sense of humor is the very first thing you have to be looking for.
I've seen many hot women who are dumb, they can't understand a joke or a funny situation, and their humor is related to insulting others and making them feel insecure.
  • The second quality to look for in a woman is a sense of boundaries
What do I mean by boundaries?
It's an imaginary limit everyone has.
If you have a weak boundary, you let people take advantage of you and you show neediness and insecurity towards them.
However, if you have a strong boundary, you count on yourself; you can say no to people when you don't like the way they talk to you …
It's the same for a woman; she should be able to defend herself from others and even from you.
If she doesn't like the way you behaved with her, she can confront you on it very maturely.
She should be able to say no when needed.
A sense of boundary is what we call in our everyday language: high character.
  • The third quality is Intelligence
A woman has to be witty and smart.
If you find that a woman is not what you want in terms of intelligence, don't bother with her and go look for another one.
This quality can't be fixed; each guy has his own standards.
  • The fourth quality is: she must be feminine
In other words, she knows that she is a woman and that you are the man.
I'm going to sound macho here, but this is the reality.
We are not the same, men are different from women.
You need a woman who is going to let you be a man and not try to fight off your nature.
In other words, she should be comfortable with her being a woman and you being a man.
She should not try to take decisions on your behalf or try to rule your life.
  • The next quality is: listening skills
This one is pretty obvious and much neglected.
We hear often that women love to be listened to.
This is true, but we don't hear often that men too love to be listened to.
She should be able to close her mouth and keep her comments and "shoulds" for herself when not asked for.
This is in my opinion one of the most important qualities to consider.
A woman must have empathy for you and others.
  • The sixth quality is: playful
Have you heard the quote: " couples who play together stay together" ??
It's the truth; whenever you find a couple going through a divorce, be one hundred percent sure that one of them was neglecting the other one.
Being playful is not just having fun, it's showing that you care for the other person and you like being around her.
For a woman, she must have an open heart about being playful.
She has to keep you interested.
  • The last quality is she must be nice
All these qualities can be summed up in one word: nice
If a woman has all these qualities but has a nasty attitude towards others, she should be avoided like the plague.
These qualities to look for in a woman are great at guiding you towards what type of women you will feel the most interest in and comfortable with, and remember my own quote: 'to find a great person you have to first be a great person" and to be a great person so that women would feel attracted to you, you will need to have only the best materials available, click here to download the best book on being the best for women.

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