I want to talk about a real issue that most intelligent guys have with women:
They think that they have to attract women using their knowledge of things and intelligence.
I’ve watched an episode of Malcolm where a great looking baby sitter came to babysit them, Malcolm and his brother wanted to seduce her.
His brother did some very stupid thing and Malcolm did one thing even much more horrible.
While sitting, he told the girl a scientific thing about a cannibalistic tribe in Africa that has the same illness as mad cows.
She just kept on looking at him.
Well, the other day, I heard a guy telling a very similar thing to a cute girl he was probably dating.
It was something about the lava and the volcanoes in the ocean, the girl kept looking at the ground and she was probably feeling unlucky.
Being intelligent is attractive to girl only when it’s time to be intelligent.
For example, you are taking a cab and the driver seems to be lost and you say something truly intelligent to get him on the right way.
This is a great example of showing intelligence.
Intelligence has to be accidental and not planned.
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