Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why women don’t make sense?

I have a small story to tell you and this is the reason I’m writing this post.
Few days ago, a friend called me, very frustrated.
He has been dating a girl for a long time, maybe six months. Everything was going great with them , as he reported, and suddenly, she confessed to him that she doesn’t know where their relationship is going and she” just want to be friends”.
He is devastated now and I still remember one particular thing he told me:
“Why they don’t make sense??”
I didn’t answer him at that time; I only was his friend and comforted him.
His question is legitimate and surely enough it deserves some explanation.
My answer is this:
Women make total sense, if you know them and what triggers their reactions.
Women are emotional, men are practical.
This is only a very small difference and there are many more.
Back to my friend’s issue.
I called him lately and he told me what really was happening.
He treated her like the love of his life, a queen to him.
In his eyes, he was the perfect lover.
In her eyes, he was a boring person, needy and immature.
Her reaction was so different to what he expected her to behave.
In my opinion, it was natural for her to dump him, he wasn’t married to her, yet he treated her like the most important person in his life, which in her eyes translated as :
“I need you so much and I can’t live without you”
This seems to every woman as a needy attitude and women don’t like needy guys.

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