Friday, November 19, 2010

Simple ways to attract women

This is a post that I was very eager to write about.
It’s about a blog post I’ve read today, very short, yet powerful.
I’m going to give you the link at the end of this post.
The author cuts through the chase and goes directly to give some very powerful gems.
To tell you the truth, few posts ever got my attention and this is one of them.
The main idea which I like about this post is the fact that the author had the courage to deal with something rarely dealt with; it’s the issue of scaling.
If you don’t know what is scaling, then you must be very new to this and you’ve come to the right place.
Scaling is simply giving a woman a note, usually from 1 to 10.
If you consider this sexiest or degrading, I’m sorry. But you must know that if you are dating, this will be very crucial to you.
I won’t give you much details, go ahead and read the original post.

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