Monday, November 8, 2010

Does friendliness help with women?

I’m writing this because I run the other day into a question from a guy.
He wrote that he did something hurtful to a woman, but his “manhood” is stopping him from saying “sorry”.
I know this type of guys, they’ have been hurt so often that they can’t trust no one with their feelings and find that saying sorry is a kind of saying “I’m not good enough”. I’ve been this type of person for many years and I know where they’re coming from.
Now, I see the world in totally different perspectives.
This kind of behavior comes from a rigid personality, one that has been hurt so often that it formed a thick layer to protect itself.
Does it help to not say sorry to a woman when it’s you to blame?
Women will perceive it as immature and lacking self-confidence.
So, what to do?
If you don’t say it, you are in trouble and if you say it you come out as weak?
Not exactly.
It’s not the what, it’s the how.
It depends on the way you say it. If you say it a dozen times and you beg her to forgive you, she will hate you and perceive you as needy and weak.
 If you don’t say it at all, she will leave you for being rigid.
If you did something that requires you to give apologies, do it.
Make an appointment, don’t do it by telephone, as your body language is highly important, remember, words count for only 7% of our communication, face her, no smiles, no leaning forward, direct eye contact and tell her:
“I’m sorry for ….”

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