Thursday, October 21, 2010

A misunderstood feeling

If i tell the number of materials I’ve read about women, dating and relationships, most people would be astonished.
However from my readings, I’ve noticed a strange trend among many “gurus”.
This trend is hard to explain but I’ll give it a try.
It’s this idea of not giving love to woman, to not be emotional with her, to be a bad boy.
With all due respect to some of these people, most of they are totally wrong.
Why should you deprive a woman of basic relationship bonding feelings?
Most of the guys that wrote these ideas came to this field by accident and usually they’ve copied someone else’s work and in the process of adding from their own they took it’s essence.
The essential feeling i want to talk about is: Caring.
It’s so important to a woman; just ask her what she would prefer: a caring jerk or a jerk?
Most women thrive on this feeling and are much more fulfilled; the only problem with it is that most guys don’t know how much caring they should give to women.
Most weak men won’t like a strong woman in their lives; they associate her strength with his weakness. This shouldn’t be your case.
You must treat a woman with the most care she deserves but at the same time be the man she wants in her life.

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