Monday, October 18, 2010

It's OK to be a man

Have you ever seen in a movie or a TV show a male character being ashamed of his masculinity?
Trust me; I’ve seen more than I ever wanted to see.
I remember , I was watching friends, and I still remember vividly seeing “Ross” being ashamed to admitted he liked a certain woman ( don’t ask me about it , I don’t remember her names, I’ve tried looking) and I thought to myself, this character is so wired!!!!
I must admit it , I was for a very long time very ashamed of my masculinity, I tried to be as “gentle” as possible ( thanks mom for the advice !!!)
This attitude didn’t help me the least with women, I was violently rejected many times.
I remember one time, I confronted a girl about this, I told her: “I’m doing all the best I can to please that woman and the only thing I get from her is rudeness”.
That girl tried to tell me something, but she couldn’t herself explain it.
Sometimes have passed and I know now what was wrong with me.
Our parents tried to raise us boys by the standard of their times, I was born in the 80’s , and looking back at that time’s documentaries ,TV shows and music clips , you can easily notice that women tried to look like men and men tried to look like women, In which they have succeeded.
All that social programming screwed our identity heavily, and if you don’t get it fixed…

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