Monday, October 18, 2010

Is it possible to attract really beautiful women? (10/10 on the scale of beauty women)

My answer is NO.
Yes, what you’ve read is exact, it’s NO.
You can’t simply attract total 10s if you are fragile and have a low self-esteem.
In my opinion, if you could possess only one trait of personality, make sure it’s high self-esteem.
So, what’s self-esteem?
Nathanial Brandon has a very good definition: “Self-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as being competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness.”
So, how to tell you’ve got a low self-esteem?
By the way you talk to yourself, we call it “negative self-talk”, here is a very clear symptom, if you notice yourself using it frequently, then you’ve got a problem.
The symptomatic word combination is: “I’m not …”
“I’m not talented”
“I’m not good at ….”
“I’m not good looking”
“I’m not confident”
Well you have now a clear picture of this issue.
For a very long time, I’ve looked at ways to raise my self-esteem to a degree where I didn’t have to question it again.
After many years of research and hard work, I found a magic way, its so powerful and simple I couldn’t believe it.
It’s called: positive self-talk.
To be precise, it’s a way of reframing your negative self-talk.
Here is a simple example:
“I’m not good at soccer” ==> “HOW can I be good at soccer?”
You simply replace “I’m not” with “how can I be…”
So instead of saying “I’m not good with women”, say “how can I be great with women?”
This will raise your self-worth and make your mind work for it to be true.
Trust me, this stuff work like a charm

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