Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where to find single women

Where to find single women
Where to find single women to date? This may seem like an easy question to answer, but is it?
Think again, where do most guys think single women are?
Try this little experiment:
Ask your male friends about the places where you can find single women and they are certainly going to tell you something like this: club, coffee shop, party …,
The truth is that these places are amazing to find single women to date but I've got a much better one, it's a great place I've just found out, in reality I've had my doubts about it and I knew about how gorgeous and available single women will be there, but I've never figured out how abundant they are going to be there until recently.
I've gathered my strengths and tried one, the truth is that this place isn't filled with single women; it's filled with amazingly beautiful single women.
I'd never have guessed it.
This place is: cooking classes.
If you don't like to spend money, fine, this is not the kind of place you want to go to.
However, if you can spare some few bucks, you are going to get a much greater reward.
Here is the thing you need to make sure you know before you subscribe to any one of these classes: you should look for classes where the price is a bit affordable and the dishes are popular but not very professional.
Let me explain this: if you subscribe to a cooking class where the price is very high, the truth is that you are going to find quality chefs with quality ingredients and a lots of knowledge to gather, but the other thing is that you are going to find retired couples and snob people who want to impress their rich friends sometimes, no single women!
If you decide on the other hand to go to a cooking class that's more popular and has some great cheap ingredients, you are certain that you are going to find amazing single women there and they too would be going to meet single guys.
The truth is that you must be very open minded about new foods and you need to make your mind very quickly about the women there, don't try to meet all the women in one session, instead, use the first sessions as a way to know the group and the females there and later you can go and ask a woman out, in fact, if you are well groomed and take good care of yourself, she is the one that may come up to you and ask you.
One more thing, don't go there looking like a chef, in other words, not dressed well.
Go there wearing your casual clothes but at the same time highly groomed and taking great care of your details.
Wear things you like and don't try to meet all the women at once.
This is the best place to meet single women in my opinion, you can subscribe to many classes in the whole week to see which one you like.
You simple need to go to Google and type in this search phrase: cooking classes in (your city).
For example: cooking classes in London, better yet, you can type in: date cooking classes or cooking classes for singles.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

become better at attracting women

How to become better at attracting women
I was thinking about something to write about the other day and I remembered a story that my friend told me lately.
A guy who was incredibly successful with women, got the bad idea of settling down with a crazy chick he impregnated, after four years, she divorced him , took nearly all his money and left him depressed and bitter.
He was unable to look into a woman's face for a long time and when he wanted to go out, his bitterness and negativity made women run away from him.
This story is very sad but it can happen to you and me too.
We don't know what life is preparing for us, we can only do one thing: prepare.
This is why I wanted to write about the subject of becoming always better, not just at attracting women; i want to be better in all areas of my life.
How can you be better in this area, attracting women?
The simple answer is to always keep on improving yourself and wear a condom.
I'm not kidding you by this advice; a lot of great men have fallen into the traps of crazy girls and took from them their happiness and joy forever.
You can't imagine how many girls will want to trap you, especially if you are know what you are doing with women.
It seems like there is a huge shortage if men these two last decades.
Statistically, there is an equal ratio of women to men but in reality, if we consider that a lot of women are old now, yes, they live more than guys, but their reproductive age is very short, there is a real shortage of guys.
What I want to say here is to give yourself your true value, if you are a healthy man who is on his purpose in life and always advancing with is life, then you will be chased by a bunch of loser women, and you better take your precautions.
So, how can a guy become better at attracting women?
The answer is to always evolve and keep on studying and having a great life and don't forget to be careful with women, especially immature and crazy ones, whenever you see one, don't think of one night stands and other BS, you will certainly get either a disses in your thing, a baby or both.
Whenever you see a woman you don't like, move on, she doesn't deserve you.
Some horror stories to make you think again:
I'm pregnant after a one-night stand
Mother who gave birth after one-night stand
Pregnant after a one-night stand

Monday, September 5, 2011

Into becoming the man all women want

Into becoming the man all women want
This is the best journey you will ever take: becoming a man that women will like and want to be with.
How do you create this feeling in women?
By being a nice, obedient guy?
By being a bad, abusive guy?
The answer is no!
This is what this post is all about, it's going to be very short and I'll show you what you really need to know about women's desires in men and how to achieve this transformation in you so that women will like you instantly and even if they don't like you, you are going to feel full field and not needing their validation.
You need to understand that we are still the same as we were thousands of years ago; we are still mostly animals with some brain that we can optionally use.
This is the reality of women too.
In work, a woman will use her brain, in choosing a president, she will use her brain, in taking a loan from the bank, she will use her brain, but in love, her brain will be useless, she will use her animal instincts.
David deangelo has a great quote that goers like this: "attraction isn't a choice"
By the way, I highly recommend subscribing to his newsletter and purchasing his man transformation course, you will be lifted up by it.
This guy knows what he talking about when he said that quote, a woman will never work her logic and say to herself "ohh, that guy has a great car, he is nice, he will be a great father to our kids, he will provide for them and love them, yes, I'll feel attraction for him"!!!
She will never do this, instead she will do this: "I hate this guy, he is really a pain in the ***", but what she will feel is this: "I like to be with this guy because he puts me back to my place and he will face the world for me and to protect me if I become his women" = attraction.
A woman needs to see the cave man in you.
I've always advised my friends to do this exercise: after you wake up, visualize yourself as a cave man, what will you do, how will you behave, will you kiss someone's as* in order to get what you want or you are going to get what you want all by yourself?"
This exercise is very powerful and will help you a lot in building a strong inner game.
So, the thing you really need to do right now is this: take a pen and a paper and think about the areas in your life where you let people take advantage of you and the area where you take advantage of people.
Draw two columns and write all what comes into your mind, then I want you to look each day at 4 PM into this list and see whether you are doing some of it or not, this will keep you on your track and you will never need someone's approval again.
All you need is doing the exercise and seeing yourself transforming into an independent man by not needing somebody's approval or validation of you, you do what's good and you don't wait for others to applaud you.
I've done this myself and it served me greately.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

start a conversation with a single woman

How to start a conversation with a single woman
Do you want to know about the easiest way to start a conversation with a single woman? Great, you've come to the right place.
Here is the best way to start a conversation with a woman: use the opinion opener question.
I've already covered this one in a previous post, but today I'm going to cover it in more details.
What's an opinion opener question?
You simply ask the woman about her opinion on a particular subject.
This seems easy enough, but the truth is that you need to know what types of questions you need to ask women so that they understand that you are not to be played with and to also know that you are a high statues man.
Let's face it from the beginning: if you aren't high statues, women will not feel attraction for you.
That's the reality.
Women want the guy who approaches them to be mature and having a high character.
If you don't know how to make this a part of your personality, you really need to read this article I've already written in my website: What Women Want from a Man
Now, let's go back to the opinion opener question.
Here are some bad examples to use on women:
"I'm sorry to bother you ….."
That's the first mistake I've to warn you about: never be indirect with women, always try to be as direct as possible.
"Who do you think will win the city elections next fall?"
Come-on, if she is not interested in politics, and I've rarely seen a girl interested in politics, you are going to have a hard time coming up with something interesting to her later.
That's the harsh truth, if you are boring, she is going away.
So, these are the things to not say or do, now what about the things to say.
Here are my most cherished opinion openers, have some ball* to say them and you will have amazing success with women:
"Who lies more, men or women?"
"who cheats more: men or women?"
"who farts more: men, or women?"
"Is it true that most women like other women, sexually?"
"Do these pants make my butt look sexy?"
"who talks more: men or women?"
These are some of my most favorite ones, just read them and try to come up with your own, most of the time, they will sound much more real to women.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Eat and grow attractive

Eat and grow attractive 
I was watching a documentary today that talked about nutrition and dieting, and the guy talked about how eating can make you look more attractive to the female humans.
This is no surprise in reality, animals have been using this tactic for all their lives and whole species are depending on this process to appear more attractive to females and to have the best chances of reproduction.
For example, a male monkey, I don't remember the species, would eat a certain kind of fruits that would make it have a more colorful glow, the result is that it would be perceived as healthy and attractive by the females.
In the past, I used to think that we humans have the same thing, we shine our health and it will make us attractive to our female partners.
I didn't have any science to back it up until I've read this article in the daily mail, it's a thought provoking read especially if you are interested in attraction and seducing women.
Here is the complete article: greens to attract
I have a story to tell you about how eating a kind of food one day got me a very nice comment from a woman.
I went and shopped as usual and I noticed that they had these very red bell peppers, I got myself a kilo, I went home and eat half of it raw, they were so sugary and delicious.
Next day, I was out with some friends and their girlfriends brought with them one of their friends, she was gorgeous.
After speaking to her for a very long time, she told me out of the blue that my skin glow was so attractive and shining, the other women jumped to confirm that too!
I didn't understand why it was so until later that day when I remembered eating the red bell peppers.
I did this experience again and sure, it got me the same results.
My skin would look much healthier.
I know, I'm talking like a chick now!
The author in that article in the daily mail is talking about greens and their powers to give you a healthier look.
I think that all vegetables will have some effects on your attractiveness.
When I converted my diet mostly to vegan, I still eat sometimes meat and dairy, but it's rare, my face really transformed and I could notice how many women started noticing me and appreciating me more.
I think it has something to do with losing weight and having a healthy body.
We are just like animals too in this attraction game, he who demonstrates a higher value in genes and personality will get the best girls, he who is lazy and immature, will get porn!
Why not have a vegan day every week, just beans, greens and whole grains; I'm sure that you are going to notice a huge difference in your weight and your attractiveness.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The best way to talk to women

The best way to talk to women
Here are the three best ways to talk to women and start a conversation with them.
This is the most important step in finding a date in my opinion.
In fact, just think about it for a second: what can you do if you don't start a conversation with a woman?
How can you go out with her? How can you even tell her you exist?!!
See, it's the most important step in finding a date and the great thing about it (yes, there are great things about starting a conversation with a woman even if it's scary) is that this is the only thing you will need to make an effort at if you have a solid game with women.
Yes, when you know enough things about women, in fact when you know only this one thing about women: don't be needy/be independent of your choices, the only effort you will need to make is to start a conversation with a woman.
This is why I'm going to give you three best ways to talk to women, they are a bit complex to do at first, but when they will become a routine in your mind, you are going to find yourself shredded by hot women all the time, I'm not kidding, you will have all the women you want.
  • The first best way to talk to women is the question.
This is one of the easiest ways to talk to women, the only issue in it is that it will demand a lot of body language training and some ball*s.
If you lack the courage to do it the way I'm going to tell you to, women will know immediately your intentions and they are going to ignore you immediately.
What's the question opener?
You are going to go to women and ask them a question about a place to go, somewhere to eat, areas to visit, places, buildings …
The concept is very easy but in reality most guys would blow it immediately.
Here is what they are doing wrong: they will try to get the permission to talk to the women!
"Excuse me, do you know ….?"
The big issue is not with "excuse me"; it's from the way they would ask women.
They would have a lean voice, a weak body language, they would say it very rapidly, and they would look at the woman as if she is going to do them a favor…
Here is what should be done: "do you know where I can find a great pizza place in this are?
Look her in the eyes, say it directly, avoid any "innocent" looks and be ready to leave if she does something which insinuates that you are picking on her.
I was once walking in a nice area and I saw a very gorgeous woman walking very relaxed, I went to her and asked her that same question about a pizzeria, she looked at me as if I was picking her up and her body language indicated that she "found out" what I was doing.
I simply looked at her in a disappointed way and said to her: "I'm sorry I've asked the wrong person" and I went away without looking at her or begging her, her colors changed and she followed me and said sorry so many times and told me how guys would hit on her every time, I told her that I wasn't doing so, she indicated to me a great place and even served me as a guide to show me different spots, I took out my pen and a piece of paper and asked her to write her phone number and her name down, she did, I walked away.
She was one of the best women I've ever met in my life.
This stuff works greatly if you've got the right body language and attitude.
In your case, if you are just beginning, just do it for fun and learning, most of the times you are going to find women very nice and helpful to you.
  • The second way to talk to women is the old way.
The old way of talking to women is first making eye contact with them and then going directly to the women and start a conversation.
Scary stuff?
It seems so, but in reality, this can be a great way to talk to women if you are well dressed and have just a little confidence.
Most guys nowadays approach women in so many sneaky ways and would be very deceiving to women, so if you on the other hand were very direct and straight forward, you'd have so many more great results than most of the guys.
Here are the directions:
Be great looking and I don't mean wearing nice clothes; I want you to be impeccable and looking the best.
Have a direct body language
Be ready to leave.
Make these into your game and you are going to see more results than most other guys.
  • The third one and my favorite one is the opinion opener.
You have heard some guys on the internet selling eBooks that coast around fifty bucks on how to talk to women, in reality; they are going to teach you this one method.
And it's the best!
How do I know about those eBooks?
I've bought so many of them, sure I've learned some few things, but for the most parts, they were simply talking about this method.
Here is how it works:
You go to a woman and you ask her about her opinion on an issue, the nonconformist the issue is the better.
What do I mean by a nonconformist issue?
A war? The monetary situation of the USA? Famine in Africa?... no, a hot issue is gender related.
I want you to take a pen and a paper and write this one in big letters: GENDER RELATED.
Women are not interested by all other things if they don't revolve around them.
For example, you could go to a woman and ask her about her opinion on the way the republicans are screwing the Americans without their knowing, what you'd probably get from her is some dumb looks and "I don't know".
Or you could go to a woman and ask her this opinion question: who looks gayer: guys who dress great or muscular guys?
I've asked this question before and the women jump on it like fish on bait, they would argue and tell me stories, they would even neglect their friends to "express" their opinions…
These are the best ways to talk to women, read this article again and why not three times and do something with it, in other word, go out and do what you've learned.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

think and grow rich help you with women

How can think and grow rich help you with women
I've been reading think and grow rich for the past days, yes, I didn't read it before, I know!
It's a classic and you must read it if you didn't do it yet.
How can this classical book help you?
Well, napoleon hill talks about a great driving force that will make all dreams possible for you; it's called a burning desire for riches.
In your case, you should consider it a burning desire to know how to attract women.
It's very profound and it's one of the most life changing concepts and ideas you could ever read.
Really, my views of the world have changed and I think that as a man, you really need to have this desire.
Because most of our life is shallow and most of us don't have future goals.
We are unconscious sleepwalkers.
That's what many shrinks will call men these days; they don't know that they are on autopilot.
Most women, mature ones that is, will tell you that most men are empty inside and they are only looking to get laid, to have women's validations or other people applauding them for doing so.
The true attracting thing to women, I've said this over and over, isn't the looks or the technique, it's who you are and what would you make the woman fell and experience with you.
If you don't know where you are going in this life, how can you have a woman and take her with you.
A woman wants to know that her man knows what he wants in life and is trying to get it.
This is why readings think and grow rich is such a mind opening experience.
I've learned more techniques and insights from this one book than most of the programs and seminars I've attended.
If you need to do one thing now, it's to go buy it and read it while having a pen and a journal to write down the most important ideas.