I have once heard a very famous dating coach advising men to start dating and attracting women online, when I tried it. The first times, I spent more than $100 on subscriptions and unfortunately, I didn't get not one single date.
It was very discomforting; however I learned the hard way how to attract women online.
This is what I'm going to share with you in this post.
- The first step to attracting women online is to have some very good photos of you.
You are going to need them when trying to attract women online.
The most amazing photos and the most attractive ones to women are not the ones that show you with your buddies or the ones that show you drinking or being a jerk, they are the ones where you are alone, doing an activity that you like, and having fun.
This is what women are going to appreciate the most in your profile.
- The next step is to get an account on Facebook.
You are going to use Facebook to attract women online, it is the best way in my opinion because it is free and it is very accessible and full of opportunities, plus most women are going to be present in Facebook.
- The third step is to get your Facebook account alive and working great.
When women are going to notice your invitations, they are going to start navigating around your profile and they will look on your Facebook wall to see whether you are a stalker, player or a freak.
One of the major mistakes of guys are going to do when trying to attract women online using Facebook is that they are going to invite lots of girls, this is the best way to get yourself branded as a player.
It is also very bad, because sooner or later the Facebook anti-Spam system is going to detect your invitations and close your account, you have to start getting made friends and girl friends too, not just the girls.
- The fourth way and the most important step is to start inviting girls
This is very bad for you, the best way is to start sending lots of invitations without alarming the Facebook system, you do this by simply sending these invitations in a drip fashion.
By this I mean that you should send no more than three invitations every single day and delete those that don't respond within a period of two weeks.
These are the best ways on how to attract women online, I highly recommend that you get yourself a copy of this amazing course:
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