I know that most guys are really fascinated by the best secrets to attracting women and they want to know them all; however the truth is that such secrets don't exist, there isn't one single secret to attracting women and there is not one single trick to making them like you.
I'm sorry to say this, but this is the reality about attracting women, it can't be done using one technique or one simple step.
However, I'm going to try to give you the best secrets to really make women fascinated with you at first and then attracted to you.
If you want these secrets to work for you, you have to make other improvements in your life and in your daily habits, for example , you have to be wearing nice clothes, you have to start learning how to use your body language to attracting women, and you have to learn how to make women fascinated by your looks and your smell.
The first best secret to attracting women is to know how to talk to them.
I know that this is going to sound very casual to you, but do you really know how to talk to women?
in this post, I'm going to show you the best ways you can talk to women, and I'm going to show you how to make yourself interesting to women, but also highly attractive to them.
How to talk to women?
The reality is that you should not learn how to talk to women; you should learn how to listen to women.
This is one of the most interesting ideas that you should really implement in your life because women are not really interested in you talking, they are interested in them talking to you and you listened.
I'm sure that you have already noticed this, women are big talkers, they love to talk a lot and to express themselves.
If you want to make a woman happy, you have let her shop and also let her do the talking.
She will like you and she will feel very much attracted to you.
However, you have also to be very aware that women are going to flood you with information and useless things about their lives, and if you let them do this a lot, you are going to fall into the friend zone trap.
This is why it is very important for you to make boundaries with them from the very first moments of talking and listening to them.
For example, if she is talking to you and suddenly she start bringing the subject of her past boyfriends and other personal problems such as her issues with her mother etc., simply look at her and tell her that you are not here to talk about her boyfriends or her mother, you are here to enjoy yourself.
She will not like it at first, but she will know that this is a fixed boundary and that she should avoid crossing it.
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