The reality is that such thing doesn't exist, because you cannot force a woman to be attracted to you, but trust me, I found a good way to make not only most women attracted to you instantly, but to make them even approach you and start a conversation with you.
So, let's begin, the first way to make and to attract women instantly to you is to take good care of your nails.
Most guys are going to laugh at this idea because they think that only weird and gay guys are going to take care of their nails, but the truth is that women are going to notice your little parts and little traits very easily when they first see you, and trust me, many women have told me that when they see a guy who is taking good care of his nails in his outer appearance, they are going to try to make him approach them, if they can't, they will make a move.
Are you still interested?
Don't worry, even if you are not interested in making your nails and other small parts appear very attractive, I have the right way and the right technique for you.
Before you go out, every single morning, take a look at your small parts, by small parts I need fingernails, shoes, hair, nose and ears, and even eyebrows and eyelashes.
Every single morning, try to make these parts as clean as possible.
You cannot imagine the way women are going to start reacting to you.
- The second way to attract women instantly to you is to simply wear genuine shoes.
So, guys don't expect me to tell you why women are attracted to shoes!
What I'm going to tell you is simply what has worked for me, to attract women instantly to you, you have to wear some amazing and very rare shoes.
The ones I really like are the Cowboys shoes and cowboy boots.
They are not only attractive to women, but they are going to make you feel like John Wayne, very self-confident.
If you don't like feeling like John Wayne, you are going to be feeling very self-confident and very self-assured.
The shoes are very easy to find and you can get them at the most attractive prices on eBay and even on
These are the shoes I really love: click here!
Trust me, wearing cowboy shoes every single time you are going out or even whenever you are going to meet women, is going to be very attractive to them and it is going to create a huge success for you.
You cannot imagine the number of women that will come to you and ask you about your shoes, if you don't know what this means, it means that women are coming to you and asking you for your phone number.
This is how you attract women instantly to you, no need to look elsewhere.
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