Thursday, November 8, 2012

Can you attract women instantly?

To answer this question, you have to really think about whether women are going to find you attractive or not.

If you are attractive to women, then you are going to attract them instantly, however if you are not attractive, no matter what you do, you would always disgust women!

What would you like to be, disgusting or attractive?

This is what I'm going to deal with you in this post, I'm going to show you how to not be repulsive and how to be attractive to women.

If you are interested in attracting women instantly, you have to really apply these advices I'm going to give you in this post.
  • The first advice to attract women instantly is to be charming.
I know that most guys have a bad idea about the word charming here because it simply means that the guy is going to start acting like a woman, but the truth is that the word charming is not this at all, what I mean by charming here is that you have to become genuinely interested in her and genuinely nice to her.

Most guys nowadays think that to be attractive to women and to attract them, you have to be rough and you have to apply some very rude techniques and some pickup lines that are very hurting, but the truth is that women are looking for that nice guy who can really listen to them and who can talk to them in a very nice way.

Women are looking for charming guys, but at the same time, they are looking for guys who are a bit stronger and who can take charge of them.

This is going to take me to my next point, instead of being just charming, be charming and be decisive at the same time.

It is going to make women attracted to you instantly, being charming without being decisive is simply being like a loser, however, being charming and being decisive is like dark chocolate to women. They cannot resist you.

How do you become decisive?

To answer this question, you really need to think of the most self-confident guy you know, how does he act around women, how does he deal with them?

I'm sure that you are not thinking that he is very decisive and taking charge of them all the time.

This is what they really want, whenever a woman ask you about doing something, don't hesitate and asked her back about her opinion, be decisive whether it is for a no or yes.

These are the most interesting and most accurate ways to attract women instantly to you.

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