I can't attract women! This is what I used to think when I was just starting to learn how to meet and how to be successful with women, but the truth is that all men, and every guy out there is able to attract women and he can do it very easily.
So, what makes you think that you can't attract women?
The truth is that we have been programmed by our mothers and our fathers and society and the media etc. that we as men should be really lucky to find a woman and feel privileged to be with her, and we should be really lucky if a woman approves of us and she is giving her blessing to us.
This is the worst thing to think about, because it is not only damaging to you, but it is also very damaging to the woman.
The reality is that women don't want you to think of yourself as unattractive to them and women want you to be fully mature and fully self-confident when you meet them.
So, you can't attract women?! I'm going to show you how to do it in this post.
The first thing you have to do is to get some self-confidence.
You cannot attract women without self-confidence; this is why we are going to deal with it extensively in this post.
To grow self-confident, you need one thing: experience.
Here is an advice I've heard a very long time ago: talk to everyone.
This is my advice to you, because it has helped me more than once, in fact, without this advice, I would have been a very shy and very immature guy now.
What you should be doing is to simply fix three days a week, and in these three days, you are going to go out and meet people, talk to anyone and everyone.
Within some few months, you are going to feel not only attractive but you are going to feel very self-confident and very self-assured.
The second advice you need to get in order to attract women is to simply start taking good care of yourself.
You cannot imagine how many guys are out there trying to meet women with their old-fashioned clothes and with their horrible looking body and smell. So it is
What you need to do is to simply take good care of yourself, consider that you, your body, is a Castle, and discuss of needs to be taken good care of, if you don't take good care of your body and yourself, who is going to take care of it?
Here are the most amazing advices you can get on getting an amazing body and getting attractive to women every single day:
And the fourth advice to deal with "I can't attract women" is to have a girl – friend.
What I mean by girl – friend is a girl whom you are going to talk to and whom you are going to connect amazingly good with.
This girl is going to be a confidant and is going to be your friend, she is going to show you the ropes and she is going to show you how to deal with other women.
It is very easy to get such a friend, you just need to be yourself and you just need to feel no sexual attraction to her.
These are the best advices to deal with "I can't attract women", apply them every single day.
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