How to tell if she likes you??
This can be a great way to save up time and energy with women.I know that a lot of guys have gotten themselves into lots of money and time with women to only find themselves at the end with horrible people not caring about them and not getting them what they wanted.
This is how you are going to tell is she likes you or not:
- The first thing is look for is the amount of talking she does with you.
First, I want to ask you this little question:
Do you talk a lot with people you don’t like?
Your answer would probably be: no!
Women do the same; they will not talk to you for a long time if they don’t like you.
However, if a woman fancies you, she will flood you with every detail about her life, work, pets, computer, Facebook account …
Women are very talkative ONLY with guys they like.
- The next thing to look for to know if a woman likes you is that she will want to be with you all the time.
If a woman likes you, she will want to be with you all the time because you’ll be the man making her feel good about herself.
She’d text you, call you, want you to take her out, want to cuddle with you…
Which brings me to the next thing that will definitely tell you a woman likes you: she will want to get physical with you.
A woman can be very sexual and touchy when she likes a man, she would want to kiss him, she will be the one grabbing his hand, she will touch him in the arms and shoulders when she talks to him, she will hold his hand a lot …
- The next sign is that she will appear as dominated.
If you did a good job with her and she likes you a lot, a sign that will never fail is that she will look at your eyes and then look down, she’d respect your will and desire, she will follow you whenever you go.
- The final sign and probably the most reliable one is that she will laugh a lot when she is in your company.
If you talk and talk to her and she is just replaying and not laughing or being fun to be with, then she isn’t into you, however, if you seem to talk a little and she just quickly existed and laughing with you all the time, it’s the best thing that will tell you immediately that she wants and like you a lot.
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