Monday, August 22, 2011

Four tips on how to talk to women

Four tips on how to talk to women
Suppose that you know how important talking to women is and how to talk to them in an attractive way, what do you do then and what things to follow and what other things to avoid?
Here are four tips on how to talk to women that would help you get those smiles and attractive looks from women every single guy in the universe is looking for.
  • The first tip on how to talk to women is to avoid saying "excuse me"
Don't ask me about how I got to know this one, it was horrible the chances I've missed for not knowing it, that's the only thing I'm going to say to you here.
How come do I ask you to be impolite?
And my answer is yes; the more impolite you are the better for you, really!
Here is the deal: when you say excuse me to a woman, what she hears in fact is: "I'm weak, don't listen to me".
Wow, relax!
I don't ask you here to become impolite every time with every woman, what I'm asking you instead is to do this only with hot women you are interested in.
If you do this with your female boss, I'm not responsible for the loss of your career.
So, here is how you do it:
You walk up to a woman and you start talking to her immediately, ask her what you want to ask her and don't say your excuses to her.
Women have this seventh sense in them: they will know when you are interested in them romantically or you are just asking her for getting information from her.
If you say "excuse me", she will automatically think that you are a nice guy who is only interested in knowing something or hitting on her, in both cases you will get a cold uninterested woman talking to you in a way you won't like, however, when you say what you've got in mind directly, she gets perplexed by this and she won't know what to think of you, all the better.
  • The second tips on how to talk to women is to change the subject immediately when it's too boring.
In fact, you shouldn't un-involve her or bring to the table boring subjects, period.
Are you crazy? Would you give to a sick person poison?
Why do guys always try to talk about the weather, politics, economics, Aristotle, Gandhi, famine, the war …. with women!!!!???
Please, don't!
When you see that you've fallen into a boring subject and she is feeling a little remorse about talking to you, simply change the subject immediately, without asking her opinions or waiting for her to answer you back, do it immediately.
What would happen is this: a shock in her brain!
It's like someone who is dying and you apply defibrillator to his chest.
  • The third tip is to stop saying sorry.
Well, this is the same as excuse me, there is only one difference: don't say excuse me when you are starting a conversation with her and don't say sorry when you are in a conversation with her.
That's the only rule you will need to apply here.
Whenever you say sorry to her, she will hear "I'm a loser".
Of course, there are situations where you have to say sorry: you came too late. Only one situation and it's this one.
Apart from this one, erase the word "sorry" from your mind.
  • The fourth and the last tip on how to talk to women is to always be ready to leave.
When you don't like the way the conversation is going and her ways of ignoring or not giving you that much importance, just leave.
Don't get into morals and other BS, please, leave with your dignity intact.
You are going to have remorse later and you are going to think of how you screwed everything, but you are going to give the women rejection and pain and you are going to have more self-esteem than her if she is the one who provoked you.
The thing to remember is that you need to always have yourself as your top priority, don't let women walk over you and you'll be very fine.

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