Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tactics to attracting women

Four tactics to attracting beautiful women

If you want to find out how to attract and date women of your dream, you will have to use these four tactics.
Because women want you to attract them these ways.
Simple enough, yet most guys will never think of using them.
They would prefer to use the old no-longer-working tactic of meeting her and then figuring out how to attract her later.
This will rarely work, sorry, it will work, however you will end up attracting only ugly and uninteresting ones.
So, let's not wait, here are my four most favorite tactics to attracting women:
  • The first tactic is to use the SFMS
This is an ugly abbreviation, so sorry J bear with me!
So, this simply means Search Find Meet Seduce.
You may think that it's the old tactic of meeting women, it's not.
Think again, usually guys are going to use this combination: Search, find, ask her out and then convince her of feeling attraction.
This is not the same thing.
Here is what you should do:
Search for women of your type, the ones you would like to meet and maybe fall in love with, this can be done by knowing first what type of women you like usually.
I like brunets, what about you?
And then you go find them, this can be a bit tricky, as a type of women in particular will be found at a certain place, for example, if you want a smart, educated woman, your best place isn't the library, but the higher education classes and specialized seminars.
Well, you get the idea, you have to find her.
Then, you will need to meet her; this is probably the most difficult part as you would have to APPROACH her!!!!
I know, terrifying!
But don't worry, you can read this great article about how to approach women very easily; I promise that it will help you tremendously.
The seduce part is all about a woman finding you so irresistible that she will never say no to you.
This can be achieved through wearing great clothes that suit you and that you like and by knowing how to use your body language to convey dominance and self-confidence to a woman.
  • The second tactic to attracting women is through the internet
Internet has saved me from so many rejections!
In the past, when I was first learning how to seduce and attract women, a day wouldn't pass without me being rejected at least twice.
This was terrible for my self-confidence and it even became a vicious circle: the more I get rejected, the less self-confident I became and the less self-confident I became the more I get rejected!!!
The solution was suggested by a great book, it's simple:
Go meet women online .
Internet provided me with a kind of mask, I could get rejected and feel no harm about it, what was even great is that I could review what I typed while chatting with women online and think about it again.
So, the second tactic is to go online, create a great looking profile and start meeting women, the trick I've used to feel fine about rejections is that I would open as many windows as possible, and when a woman would say no or something hurtful, I just closed her window and ignore her.
This was really great for me and I know that you will benefit from it a lot too.
This is by far the most difficult/easy one!
Difficult because it will take you sometimes, no lies about this, at least one year, and easy because once you will master a skill, it will become so easy for you to attract women, you will never believe the amount of success you'd have.
What are the skills I'm talking about?
Music and singing.
Hey! Don't close this page!!!!
Let me explain this before.
Have you ever noticed that women are attracted to art and artists like flies to honey, so sorry, I couldn't resist it.
This is great news for you.
If you ask me, one year to learn a musical instrument or taking some singing course isn't really that difficult, but you will have a life of endless success with women and even when you will find the right one for you and settle with her, she will go wild/crazy every time you perform!
This is a long term investment that you will never regret.
I learned classical guitar, don't get me wrong here, I'm no Bon Jovi or Kurt Cobain, I only know some few songs but if I had to do it again, I would learn singing and training my voice.
I can't explain this, but whenever a woman hears a guy singing with a great manly voice, she becomes so excited about him.
These are my most favorite tactics to attracting hot women, put a comment down there and show me you have an opinion, women like guys that say what they have in mind.

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