Friday, June 10, 2011

Meeting women after a divorce

Meeting women after a divorce can be one of the most challenging things to do in life, here is a great way to get back in the game very quickly and meet all the beautiful women you want in your life.
 It's not a question of meeting women; it's a question of getting back into the game as soon as possible.
When you feel ready, you should jump immediately into meeting women and not waste one minute of your precious free time now.
Here is a great strategy to meet women after a divorce:
  • The very first thing is to get back into the game.

A lot of men , if not all of them, will be very hurt and very bruised after a divorce, they will feel that their whole world and their self-esteem is so damaged and weak that they can't meet women after that divorce and it's all hopeless for them.
Well, it's not the case, those feelings are perfectly normal and every man coming out of a difficult and lengthy relationship will feel the same about himself.
Unfortunately, there is only one thing to heal this, it is time.
You will need first to accept your new single life and then to let time do its work.
For some men, it will be a week, for the majority, it will be months and even years.
The things you have to get in mind to heal properly is to not force yourself and more importantly, not comparing yourself to other men.
Wait and everyday compare yourself to what and how you were in the last months, you are going to feel better.
  • The second thing is to plan your time well.
Let me explain this in more details:
When you feel you are ready to start meeting women after a divorce, you need to divide your week days into the ones you are going to go out meet new women and the ones you will do other things.
The most devastating thing I've seen in a lot of men is going extreme on either one of these two things:
They will either lock themselves in work and never go out or they are going to take things with "revenge" and go out every night until they are totally exhausted and hating their lives.
You, on the other hand, should be very serious about both worlds, you need work to give yourself the needed resources and you also need to go out at least three times
a week to find a great person in your life again.
So, do as one of my friends did: he made Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays' nights his outing nights.
He would go to great places and meet new people on these nights while rest and read the other ones.
He didn't force himself, instead he only followed this plan and it helped him go on for a very long time until he was successful in finding an amazing woman in a very short time.
  • Now, let's talk about some guidelines for meeting women after a divorce.
The very first thing here is to stop viewing yourself as a victim and more importantly to tell the others about it. I've seen it, most guys will tell women they've just met that they are newly divorced and they will start talking about the "suffering" and the "misery" they endured.
This will get them some compation and some "nice" feelings, but that's all they are going to get in the end, nothing more.
So, don't tell anyone about your situation, instead, just talk about great things with women and try to not talk about the past.
If a woman tells you questions about your past, try to simply give her the image of a great past events that didn't involves your ex.
  • The next thing is to know where to meet women.
My most favorite places are Starbucks and any social gathering.
Women there are very friendly and if they are alone and don't have a ring, they are probably single.
Social gathering are great because women there already are looking for potential partners.

These are the most important guidelines to meeting women after a divorce; try to also read this article I've already written about the same subject : Eight things to do after a divorce.

1 comment:

  1. A woman knows that in a bar, almost all guys are up to making their advances on women in bars. You therefore need to know the best place where a girl is receptive and relaxed. There are various places to meet women where she can actually perceive your personality and discover what you have in common with one another.
