Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why she will cheat on you

Women cheat too, this is a known phenomenon.
However, the less known is why do they cheat?
First, why do men cheat?
I’m sorry to say this, but we men are like animals, we can’t control our sexual drives.
It’s true that a men will cheat because he is not fulfilled emotionally with his women, this is according to my geusstimaes about 0,1% of cheating cases.
The real thing is that most men will cheat because they want sex!
This is the reality.
Now, back to women, why do they cheat?
A woman is different.
A woman can go for months without having a sexual intercourse; in fact, she can go for years without it.
However, what a woman can’t live without is attention.
This is the primary reason she will cheat on you.
By attention, I don’t mean buying her flowers every morning and writing her love poems and songs, keep doing this and she will cheat too.
A woman wants a different kind of attention from men.
This attention is called “manhood”.
Women cheat only on guys they don’t consider men enough.
To truly be a man to a woman, you have to start becoming a challenge to her.
Do you know other reasons for cheating apart from manly attention?
What do you know about cheating prevention?

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