I’ve yet to meet a man who isn’t afraid or annoyed by women’s tests.
They seem to get every man on earth pissed and weak.
You have to respect the genius of women.
We man, with all the social proof, statues and physical powers we possess can literally be shut down by women’s tests!
I know even a guy who is now terribly afraid of having a conversation with a woman because he knows she will be testing him sooner or later with a hurting question or comment.
By the way, this guy is baled and fat; it’s not easy for him.
The truth, in my opinion, is that in this situation, the woman isn’t the one to blame; it’s the man’s lack of self-esteem.
He views himself as unable to deal with a woman’s test, that’s why he is so afraid.
This leads me to the promise I’ve made before :
“How to make her avoid unnecessary tests with you”
Well, the answer is from my own life experiences.
At a certain time, I was terribly shy and afraid of her tests, now after getting my self-esteem and most importantly my inner game tuned, I find no problems passing a woman’s test.
If you see yourself as great, no matter what her tests are, you will always answer and do the right thing.
Do you think self-esteem is a great thing to have to seduce women?
Does it in your opinion have any power on women?
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