Sunday, March 27, 2011

Do you know some tricks?

If you don’t know some magical tricks, you are losing a lot of ground when it comes to attracting women.
Can you believe it, you can be the most boring guy in the universe but when you start pulling some magic, all women would eat you with their eyes?
Yes, I’ve seen it with my own eyes; women go crazy for magical tricks.
Women are strange in what concerns spirituality.
Did you know that women are the biggest readers of horoscope?
I’ve even heard that the charlatans and the palm readers have more than 95% of feminine customers.
I guess the other 5% are gay guys!
This is a huge opportunity for you.
Imagine that you know some amazing coin or money tricks, what would a woman think of you in a date.
You will be sitting talking to her and then you ask her to look at your hands, nothing and baam, you do some illusions with your hands and coins start falling.
What woman in this earth would feel amazed by this?
Here are some website I’ve goggled that provides some great and easy tricks, you have no excuses to learning some tricks now:

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