I want to discuss with you in this blog post a real issue I’ve started seeing lately.
Some men go dating women while wearing shorts; others are wearing ripped jeans and t-shirts ….
What’s wrong with men these days?
They have a totally confused perception of what’s called taking care of one self.
I have to get this out of my mind first, being cool with women doesn’t mean wearing dirty t-shirts or shorts while with her.
You can certainly do this but only after you’ve married her (don’t do it even when you are married, she has either to see you well dressed or not dressed at all ;))
As long as you are dating her, stay away from these cloths.
My most hated item is sport shoes.
I’ve seen a man wearing a dirty one while trying to approach a beautiful woman.
He had no chance with her.
You have to become impeccable with women.
Don’t leave without checking yourself twice.
What are some mistakes you do when dressing to meet women?
Don’t be shy; we’ve all done something stupid.
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