This is truly a neglected detail by nearly all men.
I’m talking her about your smell.
Yes, this is a detail so neglected that some women have written emails to me asking me to write something about it.
This is my contribution to women’s crusade of awareness.
Please take care of your smell.
Isn’t everybody talking nowadays about pheromones and other smelly products to attract women?
Is that what it’s all about?
Absolutely not.
In this post, I’m only dealing with your natural smell, nothing more.
This is a true problem to most men, in fact, before being aware of it; I could live for months without wearing cologne or at least a deodorant.
I had this conviction that just because I took a shower every three days that my odors were gone.
Well, they were gone and the problem is that they were replaced immediately by some other orders like sweat and dust.
So, I made a vow to myself to always put a nice cologne every time I was leaving, after a short time, it became a habit.
I must warn you that some deodorants are simply a waste of time and money because women don’t appreciate their childish smell.
Instead of using deodorants, try to buy a good cologne.
What do you think? Smell is attractive to women or not?
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