I want to share with you a great tip, it’s a body language tip that will help you a lot attract women.
Have you ever been attracted to a woman and wanted her to feel the same way about you?
I think most of you will answer with yes. I’ve been there too.
Well, I’m going to give you a wonderful technique that will make her feel close to you and with time attracted to you.
This technique is called “Kino” or in other words, the art of touch.
I don’t mean here any sexual touch, what I mean is a human touch.
As humans, we want to be close to people and we crave a caring touch.
Don’t laugh at this idea, it’s very true.
If it’s not the case why do we enjoy a good massage so much then?
To make her feel close to you, simply, when you are talking to her, touch her from time to time in the shoulders or hand.
When you want to cross the street, hold her hand.
She will feel your confidence and care.
Do you have any similar experience?
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