Women do this all the time:
They ask us for our opinions about things they are wearing, their appearance, their skin …
In other words, women ask us all the time about their insecurities.
The problem is that we men tend to give our true opinions about it.
Or even worse, we don’t know how to lie to them.
This can be fine if you are dating, but can be a nightmare if you are in a relationship.
A Woman sometimes feels insecure about some issues she is facing and would like some reassurance from her partner.
What most men don’t know is that she really doesn’t want your opinion about the matter she is asking you about, what she implicitly wants is your reassurance for her.
Do I look fat in this dress?
The dumb answer would be: no you look fine.The great answer would be: you look awesome, baby, you are breath taking.The first one said to her: you are ugly, fat and insecure.
The second one said to her: I’m so lucky to have you in my life, you look so wonderful.
If you were the woman, which one would you prefer?
Have you ever said something which really upset a woman a lot?
Share with us.
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