Sunday, November 21, 2010

A clothing item most men will neglect

 I have written for many times about how women are meticulous and how they interpret every detail in you.
They have a strong vision and smell in what concerns details, they can see whether you take ca re of yourself and others or not just by looking at the way you dress and behave.
Women can be very judgmental and can form negative opinions about a person without even looking at him for long and even without taking the time to hear what he’s going to say.
I’m sure, most guys faced this.
A guy will gather his confidence and walk to a strange woman.
She glances at him for a short period of time and look away ignoring totally him, what’s called the cold shoulder.
This is a very small example of how she can judge you without even getting to know you.
The clothing detail I’m going to sit here is highly important and women have confessed it to me more than once that they may find a guy very attractive physically but they would simply ignore him for this small detail.
The clothing item is: Shoes.
That’s it.
Simple, yet very crucial and most men will take care of their hairs, shirts and wear shoes which won’t match their clothing set.
Result = she will see you as “not taking care of yourself”.

The ugly Shoes
Before going out, make this one a high priority habit, choose a pair of shoes which will fit the whole set of clothing you will be wearing.
 Take a girl with you when going shopping.
Sport shoes are only for sport, commit to never wearing them unless they will server for sport.
They are an attraction killer.
I’ve been laughed at more than often because I was wearing horrible stuff on my feet.
What’s your experience with shoes?

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