Saturday, August 6, 2011

10 techniques to attract the ladies

10 techniques to attract the ladies
I'm going to give you my most cherished techniques to attract the ladies; they work every time, guaranteed.
Here is the deal: these techniques will work overtime you apply them; however, if you apply them separately, they will never work for you.
I know that this comment will likely get you to close this page but I wanted to give you the straight truth, I don't want you to fool yourself and think that by only applying one technique, women will throw themselves at you.
You need to apply all of them.
1. The first technique to attract the ladies is to talk slowly
I don't know why this is happening:
Nerdy guys will talk enthusiastically and very rapidly about an issue and bad attractive boys will talk very slowly as if they own the place and don't give a fish about what the woman may think.
In reality, I don't want to know why; I only know that it works amazingly.
Next time you are with a hot lady, don't start flooding her with "important" things to say, just chill and talk very slowly, she will know what it means.
2. The second technique is to turn your body away from her
This one too I've stolen from a "bad boy" I used to hang out with.
Whenever he talked to girls, women, me, his friends, he would never face you with his torso.
When I asked him about it he said: "I don't know what you are talking about!"
And it's the truth, he is a natural with women and this is what has led me to copy everything he did until I could figure out his method.
So, next time you are talking to a woman you like, talk slowly and don't direct your torso towards her, she will like you more this way.
3. The third technique to attract the ladies is breathe from your nose
This one makes so many women upset and turned off by guys.
I've once sat in a coffee terrace and watched the way guys breathe.
Most of them, if not all of them, breathe from the mouth, and when I say the mouth, I mean that it was wide open, a bee could enter their lungs and they wouldn't be aware of it.
If you breathe from your nose, you will close your mouth, if your mouth is closed, you will appear very strong and masculine (these two traits attract women a lot).
4. The fourth technique is smell flowery
Go to a cologne shop, choose a female shop assistant and ask her about great "flowery" cologne for you.
That's the only advice I can give you for getting this technique handled
Whenever you will meet a woman or even walk near a woman, she will notice it immediately and most of the time she will even throw a positive comment at you in the sort of :" what's that smell?"
We all know that it's not the smell that got her to say this but the guy who is wearing it.
Do it!
5. The fifth technique is have a manicure
You've read right!
If you didn't close this page by now, you are very curious and highly adaptable and I'm sure that these two great qualities will lead you into great success in the near future.
Trust me, they will.
What I mean by manicure is to simply have a great looking hands and finger nails.
I was like most guys very ridged on this matter, I would never allow a woman to tell me that it was a great idea for guys too.
I gathered my strengths and I went with a girl, I had my fingernails done and it felt great.
They were shining and very healthy, I felt great about my hands and my health and the best of all is that a woman came a few days later right out of the blue and told me that she had never seen a guy who took so well of his looks, I got her phone number so easily ad I could tell that she was very sincere.
Here is the deal: a lot of what attracts women will seems very strange for you, if you don't try it or give it a bad note before trying it, you will have very limited success.
You don't have to go have a manicure, you can simply take great care of your hands and fingernail every Sunday by trimming them and polishing them nicely and you'd be way ahead of 99.9% of the other guys.
6. The sixth technique is always have some mint gum with you
Do you want to attract the ladies? Have a great breath and you will be one in a hundred.
Women have a fantastic sense of smell and most ones I know have told me that they avoid talking to a guy simply because his breath smells either of beer, cigarettes…
Don't be like the rest of the guys, be unique, have some mint gum with you, they will love it.
7. The seventh technique is don't try to seduce
Yes, lean back and don't do any efforts to say something great to women or to have a fantastic seductive body language.
What you should do is this: don't care about the outcome and simply meet women in order to have fun.
I'm sure that you've already noticed that the women you weren't interested in are the ones that are the most interested in you and vice versa.
Do the same, don't be interested in hot women and you will stand from the big crowd of the losers.
8. The eight technique is look her in the eyes
Eye contact is the king of these techniques, master it and use it with women all the time.
9. The ninth technique to attract the ladies is to create sexual tension
This one technique is discussed in full details in my website, try to spare some minutes and go read that this article: how to tease women
10. And the tenth technique is Advance
Get from one level to the other very quickly, if you get stuck with a woman, she won't like it.
Women like guys who take the lead, and if you stay at the level of dating her, she will become bored and will certainly leave you very soon.
These were my favorite techniques to attract the ladies, these aren't the only ones, in fact, there are thousands of them in this blog, visit it every day to find a new topic.

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